Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Power of the Conscience

Where is it hidden?

Have you ever pondered or wondered why people do the things that they do? Some experts say, it's in the temperament, some say it's in the personality; some say it's in the attitude; but I say it's in the nature.

Your nature is who you are; especially when no one is watching. Your nature is that which comes from you because it is just you. You don't go to school to learn to be human, or to do things that humans do. You don't need a degree to know that food must go to the mouth; that you must pass excreta. You don't need montessori to laugh; to yawn; to dance; to feel the need for love.

Your actions are only a reflection of your nature. And the seat of nature is the conscience - that aspect of the mind that gives us clues as to good or bad. If you have a bad conscience, you will naturally take bad actions. If you have a good conscience, you will think and do good things.

My challenge to you this day is to hold on to faith and a good conscience, so that you will not make a shipwreck of your existence.

You can bring out the good in you.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How Service Affects Development

The Power of Service

Service is the use of our resources (abilities, skills, time, network, etc.) in helping others to achieve their goals. Usually, this could be for a fee or for free.

Service is an integral part of the human system; and it begins from the family. Service makes us to consider the well-being of others as our responsibility. It forces us to place a demand on our capacities, to outdo ourselves, to meet the needs of others, whatever it takes. There can be no real advancement in any society except the people are driven the desire for mutual service. This is the reason why some countries are developed, and others are underdeveloped. I think one of the indices for development should be quality of service.

When you are deeply motivated by service, your mind is stirred to look for solutions where there are none. You become inspired and gain insight into higher dimensions of thought.

As you prepare for 2014, I challenge you to make good quality service one of your goals.

You are the change.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Purpose of Inspiration


Who would you rather employ: an intelligent person or an inspired person?

Intelligence is great. No one wants to hangout with a dullard. An intelligent can normally break down complex thoughts and make them easy to grasp. He has the capacity to aquire knowledge and apply them to practice.

But you know what? When an intelligent person is reading a book, that book must have been written by an inspired person. Intelligent people go to school to study the thoughts and works of inspired people.

Inspiration gives you a stimulating influence upon your intellect and emotions, which makes you to see images or capture thoughts that are beyond the physical optical eyes. Inspiration makes it easy for you to live in two realms - the visible and invisible. Inspiration makes invincible and unmoved by your immediate environment. It gives you faith, peace and a strong sense of purpose. It makes tomorrow more real than today.

Little wonder Henry Ford said: "You can't learn in school what the world will do next year."

Go for inspiration.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Power of Exposure

Everything we know and believe while growing up, we picked from our environment. This could be from our parents, relatives,  television, neighbors, streets, or school. And even as adults, we come to accept many of these things as our reality. Consequently, they control, constrain and shape our lives.

It is then our responsibility to find out what exactly we want out of life, and what it would cost us to attain it. Once we know the price, then it is our duty to expose ourselves to it long enough till we achieve our aims.

Many years ago, Bishop David Oyedepo went to Oral Roberts University. When he saw the ambience and beauty, he was wowed, and exclaimed: "If it can happen anywhere, it can happen everywhere!" This exposure had given birth to more than three world-class universities today.

Read that book; start that friendship; take that course; go on that tour; visit that distant relative; go to another state, town or country; take another route to work; listen to that CD; watch that training program.

Just one word or phrase or image could be the spark that you need to get the inspiration that will make you an icon.

Go for exposure.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica