Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Power of the Conscience

Where is it hidden?

Have you ever pondered or wondered why people do the things that they do? Some experts say, it's in the temperament, some say it's in the personality; some say it's in the attitude; but I say it's in the nature.

Your nature is who you are; especially when no one is watching. Your nature is that which comes from you because it is just you. You don't go to school to learn to be human, or to do things that humans do. You don't need a degree to know that food must go to the mouth; that you must pass excreta. You don't need montessori to laugh; to yawn; to dance; to feel the need for love.

Your actions are only a reflection of your nature. And the seat of nature is the conscience - that aspect of the mind that gives us clues as to good or bad. If you have a bad conscience, you will naturally take bad actions. If you have a good conscience, you will think and do good things.

My challenge to you this day is to hold on to faith and a good conscience, so that you will not make a shipwreck of your existence.

You can bring out the good in you.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How Service Affects Development

The Power of Service

Service is the use of our resources (abilities, skills, time, network, etc.) in helping others to achieve their goals. Usually, this could be for a fee or for free.

Service is an integral part of the human system; and it begins from the family. Service makes us to consider the well-being of others as our responsibility. It forces us to place a demand on our capacities, to outdo ourselves, to meet the needs of others, whatever it takes. There can be no real advancement in any society except the people are driven the desire for mutual service. This is the reason why some countries are developed, and others are underdeveloped. I think one of the indices for development should be quality of service.

When you are deeply motivated by service, your mind is stirred to look for solutions where there are none. You become inspired and gain insight into higher dimensions of thought.

As you prepare for 2014, I challenge you to make good quality service one of your goals.

You are the change.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Purpose of Inspiration


Who would you rather employ: an intelligent person or an inspired person?

Intelligence is great. No one wants to hangout with a dullard. An intelligent can normally break down complex thoughts and make them easy to grasp. He has the capacity to aquire knowledge and apply them to practice.

But you know what? When an intelligent person is reading a book, that book must have been written by an inspired person. Intelligent people go to school to study the thoughts and works of inspired people.

Inspiration gives you a stimulating influence upon your intellect and emotions, which makes you to see images or capture thoughts that are beyond the physical optical eyes. Inspiration makes it easy for you to live in two realms - the visible and invisible. Inspiration makes invincible and unmoved by your immediate environment. It gives you faith, peace and a strong sense of purpose. It makes tomorrow more real than today.

Little wonder Henry Ford said: "You can't learn in school what the world will do next year."

Go for inspiration.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Power of Exposure

Everything we know and believe while growing up, we picked from our environment. This could be from our parents, relatives,  television, neighbors, streets, or school. And even as adults, we come to accept many of these things as our reality. Consequently, they control, constrain and shape our lives.

It is then our responsibility to find out what exactly we want out of life, and what it would cost us to attain it. Once we know the price, then it is our duty to expose ourselves to it long enough till we achieve our aims.

Many years ago, Bishop David Oyedepo went to Oral Roberts University. When he saw the ambience and beauty, he was wowed, and exclaimed: "If it can happen anywhere, it can happen everywhere!" This exposure had given birth to more than three world-class universities today.

Read that book; start that friendship; take that course; go on that tour; visit that distant relative; go to another state, town or country; take another route to work; listen to that CD; watch that training program.

Just one word or phrase or image could be the spark that you need to get the inspiration that will make you an icon.

Go for exposure.

I believe in you!

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Don't Be Divided

Are You Divided?

One of the most delicate phases of life is the transition from high school to the tertiary institutions - or any transition for that matter. At this phase, we know where we are and where we are coming from, but are uncertain of where we are going. We have a glimpse of what we want, but we want it so fast that we consider the 'shortest' route possible in getting it. Only to realize it'd have been better had we waited. This explains why many are in the wrong course, wrong relationship, wrong career...

Our sojourn in life will be laden with many crossroads. But we must choose the right direction for us, no matter how unpopular. We must choose to either follow the voice of opinion or the voice of inspiration.

The voice of inspiration is our personal tutor - our teacher. The Bible says about him: "You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,'..." (Isa 30:20-21;NLT)

The path of inspiration may look slow and stupid, but it is steadfast and sure.

Obey your voice of inspiration.

I believe in you!

For speaking or writing engagements, or to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

The Voice of Inspiration

The Unseen Leader

Each day, millions of people flood the highways, like they say 'looking for their daily bread'. Many are driven by their animalistic instincts, some by their natural intelligence, and a few by their voice of inspiration.

Those driven by instincts have an undying quest for survival. They are aggressive, non-law-abiding, uncultured, unprincipled. In short, they can do anything to 'make ends meet'.

Those driven by their natural intelligence are smart, methodical, focused, determined, and proud. They believe they are indomitable until they are faced with the harsh realities of life. Then they gradually expose the 'animality' in them.

The inspired are few. They have a clear picture of the future, though their current realities may be contrary. They live each day at a time, and have the capacity to provide solutions even before the problems arrive. They live in the realm of the intangible and possess deep, powerful insights.

We may applaud men of instincts for their notoreity, celebrate intelligent people for their achievements, but people of inspiration don't die. They continue to live even for several generations.

To which class do you belong?

Take the path of inspiration.

I believe in you!

For speaking or writing needs, or to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mentoring Others

Give Your Wings

One common but funny phenomenon of life is that no matter where you are in life, there will always be people ahead and behind you. While you may want to look up to those ahead of you to give you wings, you must also look up to your equals for mutual support, and most importantly, create an avenue for you to give your wings to those behind you.

When you this, you may need to pay attention to the following:

1. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Keep ahead of the people you want to lead and influence (this explains why many don't want to be teachers)

2. Define your relationship with them. What exactly do you seek to achieve? Without purpose comes abuse.

3. Be consistent. Consistency is the mother of influence, and

4. Originality is the father. So be original. Don't pretend to be what you're not.

5. Know when to stop. No relationship is designed to be forever (except family ties!)

Giving wings to others forces you to be a better person too. So be a model worthy of emulation.

I believe in you!

For speaking or writing engagements, or to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

BBM: 7C82C8A1
Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Lateral Readiness

Lateral and Parallel Wings

Permit me to expound the Bible a bit this morning.

In First Samuel, there was a leadership gap being created by the priest Eli. He'd lost grip over his family and the entire Israel. God needed a replacement, but he must be born of the Spirit, not an ordinary child.

In Ramah, God was preparing a woman, Hannah, to develop the fervency of prayer needed to change the atmosphere. And the result of that was the mighty Samuel. Samuel grew and eventually became the priest of Israel in Mizpah.

Meanwhile, God was at that time (close to when Samuel became priest) preparing another shepherd-boy in a corner in Bethlehem. There was going to be a change in the kingly order. King Saul was also messing up.

The king needed the anointing of the priest to reign. But the king must be prepared to receive this anointing - this mantle. That was the main difference between Saul and David. David was prepared; Saul was not.

Look at the different sectors in our economy and you will see generational gaps, looking for someone to fill them. Our world is blessed with many priests, but it looks like the kings they are to anoint are not ready. The kings cannot be differentiated from other citizens - they dress alike, sing the same songs, hang out in the same places, have the same values, think alike, etc.

You need to separate yourself from the park and prepare yourself for your future. Seeking instant riches or fame will only end you in a ditch - ask DaGrin or Michael Jackson!

Be the one. Stand out. Be prepared.

I believe in you!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking for your wings?

Where are the wings?

One of the main peculiarities with today's world is its busyness. At times, you may have an idea of who you think can 'coach' you to become the kind of person you want to be, but like most great coaches, they are not 'affordable'.

What should you do then?

- Look out for materials they have produced over time. This may be books, audio or video materials, etc and 'devour' every content.

- Follow up on their activities, and try to go to places you know they will be also

- Attend their organized trainings or seminars

- If they have a coaching program, subscribe for it

- Find out people who love to have him as a coach too, and build your relationship with them. The more you guys rub minds, the more your chances of meeting your 'coach'

- Book an appointment to see him. But make sure you've done your homework very well. Ask only intelligent questions.

- Start coaching others you're better than. If your influence grows big enough, it may eventually get the attention of your desired coach.

Keep getting better.

I believe in you!

You can now have access to funds to grow your business, with/without collateral, and with NO INTERESTS. Call me for more info.

For speaking, writing or business development engagements, and to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where is your wing?

Do you have wings?

When an athlete or a team performs poorly consistently, who gets the blame? Why do great talents like Kobi Bryant, Usain Bolt, The Serenas, Lionel Messi...need 'instructors'?

You see, we all need coaches. A coach helps you to see your blindspots and weaknesses. She helps to study your opponents' strategies, and prepares you to outsmart them. She helps you to discover special abilities you possess but are unaware of. She helps you to believe in yourself in times of discouragement. She provides you with resources that will help you get better. In short, she provides you with wings to soar.

Sometime ago, a friend of mine who had little knowledge of a particular business he is considering went to see a coach. As they rounded off their almost two hours discussion, the coach told him, "If you lack experience, don't lack guidance."

No wonder Solomon said: "to win, you need a lot of good counsel."

Go for wings.

I believe in you!

You can now have access to funds to grow your business, with/without collateral, and with NO INTERESTS. Call me for more info.

For speaking, writing or business development engagements, and to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Eating May Not Be Healthy

When Eating Becomes Dangerous

Food is an essential commodity. An organism that doesn't eat will surely die. Therefore, God created us to eat - thriving on what others have 'prepared'.

Now, it is not only food that people prepare. The nurses and doctors that delivered you were prepared before you came. In other words, they were 'cooked'. So also were the drugs, vaccines, clothing, the car that moved your mother about, the house in which you were born, the school that you attended and the teachers that taught you...

In reality, you were created an 'eater'.

Now that's fine. But the challenge God has is that many people are just content being that way. They want to keep 'eating' and getting from others, without finding out what they are good at 'cooking' themselves, and going to the 'kitchen' of life to actually prepare their own food, so that others also can feed from them.

God provides seed for the farmer and bread to eat. This means that if the farmer doesn't sow and cultivate his seed, there will be no bread for him and others to eat.

Here is my charge to you: Don't remain and die an eater. Find your unique 'seeds' and cultivate them. Remember, you can stand under the shades of a tree today because someone planted it 20 years ago. You can be proud of that company today because someone started it many years ago.

Sow that talent. Sow that idea. Sow that business.

I believe in you!

To engage me for speaking, consulting or writing services, and to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or the people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole @soarafrica
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Serving the Right Customers Right

Yesterday's or Tomorrow's Customer?

Back to our discussion on posterity organizations. One common trait in the leadership is Innovation. They ensure they are always abreast of developments in the market. They keep going a step ahead, outdoing themselves to remain on top of their game. They organize themselves to meet the needs of today's customers, while repositioning themselves to meet the needs of tomorrow's customers.

Yesterday's customer (YC) loves to come to your office; tomorrow's customer (TC) prefers you coming to their office. YC are low in choices; TC loves varieties. YC loves certificates; TC prefers capacity. YC are happy being on the move; TC are more satisfied being on the go. YC is ok with 'hards'; TC prefers it being 'soft'. YC is suppressive and submissive;  TC is expressive and exploratory. YC wants to serve; TC wants to be served. YC doesnot mind waiting; TC wants it immediately. YC loves and thrives in community; TC loves independence and individuality.

In recognizing these changing times, Paul Tissot, an ex-director of the Tissot Company (branch of Swatch Group) said: "We need to make serious effort to reorganize, to bring in new ideas more attuned to the new situation."

Posterity organizations are also keen on innovation. You must keep getting better or you prepare to go under. And like Paul M. Romer said, "Every generation has underestimated the potential for finding new ideas...Possibilities do not add up. They multiply."

Multiply your possibilities by constant innovation and renovation.

I believe in you!

For speaking or writing needs, or to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Surviving across Generations


"How does a brand survive across the generations?"

This was the curious question that drove me last weekend to devouring a book of over 300 pages in one day. It was a publication of the Swatch Group when they marked their 150th anniversary in 2003.

I am yet to see an African-founded organization that has lasted more than 100 years. We see cycles of prosperity, the founder dies, and in a couple of years, the organization dies, or moribund.

One quality I've found that resonates in the hearts of the directors of these 'posterity' organizations is LOVE- deep-seated love for what they do and the people they serve. Nicolas G. Hayek, President/CEO, has this to say:

"The Swatch Group has a very emotional culture. We produce beauty, sensuality, emotionality in watches - and we also produce high-tech on your wrists. Both emotionality or poetry and high-tech, are part of what we feel towards our customers. We love them genuinely. We want them to be happy - we want YOU to be happy!"

You can't build a posterity organization or lifestyle if all you're concerned about are 'the Benjamins'. You must have genuine love for your work, and especially the people you serve and the people that serve you. This love will drive you to continually seek creative and innovative ways by which you can serve your people better.

If you have love, your people will be loyal to you. And when you're gone, they will preserve the culture you created. And it is this culture that becomes passed down from generation to generation.

Love is the pathway from prosperity to posterity.

Love your work. Love your workers. Love your customers.

I believe in you!

For speaking or writing needs, or to maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people you serve, please call 08096001659 or send an email to visit

Twitter: @deleayobankole
Facebook: Dele Ayo Bankole
YouTube: Dele Ayo Bankole

Monday, October 21, 2013

Make the Right Comparison

There is an unfortunate cast system into which we all are born: it is the Shape-Up-Or-Ship-Out system. This system makes us see life as a competition. And this has been buttressed by many theories like the theory of natural selection which says that life favours only the fittest.

Right from pre-school, the pupils with a high 'IQ' are given more attention and preferential treatments at the expense of others. And this makes the 'average' students to naturally dislike the 'good' ones. They wish some evil happens to them so they can become the 'centre of attraction'. This even continues into adulthood as people are seen to just want to be ahead of others. This has got so bad that even a mini power generating set is named I-better-pass-my-neighbor.

Competition has its own benefits, as its the main drive for innovation and civilization. The challenge with it, however, is when it is aimed at other humans. While it may give you a sense of superiority, in reality, it sets you up for mediocrity and frustration.

When you look around you and you seem to be the best, you want to walk tall, with your shoulders raised. You may even tell yourself, "I'm not that bad!" But if you are sincere with yourself, in comparison with your potentials, is this all that you can be? You're married with kids, you have cars, a house, a business or job that provides for your family - thank God for your life. But is that all there is to life?

I challenge you this day to take a careful audit of your abilities, attributes, assignment, and your actions and achievements. Is this all that your life can produce? Is this all there is to you?

Therefore, make the right comparisons. Judge yourself not in comparison with what others have, but in comparison with what you can be, do and have.

You are more than this.

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole

To maximize the potentials of your idea, business or people in your life, we can work with you on that at SOAR AFRICA. Send us an email at or see our website for more services:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

True Prosperity

The faith-for-prosperity message has been one of the revolutions that ever happened to the Christian faith. Before now, clergy men used to be paupers and ill-treated, to the extent that people considered it suicidal to want to be a pastor.

Obviously, the reverse is the case now. One of the most attractive professions today is the pastoral 'profession'. And the 'packaging' is now even so tight that many of us now live a triangular life of church-work-home. With home being the place to get some sleep so we can kick off the cycle the following day.

A recent research shows that parents spend less than 38 minutes in a week in giving their children undivided attention. We are so preoccupied with activities that we forget the main thing - the family.

Children are a gift from God; they His reward (Ps 127:3). How are you handling your own gifts? Are you paying some teachers so heavily to help you fulfill your responsibilities, and later complain about some negative traits your chidren are displaying? Do you know what exactly your children and spouse are going through? Are you your children's best friend and confidant?

True prosperity, I think, is living a balanced life; not loving 'church' and work to the detriment of the family. The bible says: "Wisdom builds her house." (Prov 9:1)

Today, Grow In Focus-on-the-family (TGIF)

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole

SOAR AFRICA is a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to helping you build lives and businesses that will outlive you. Call now or send us an email to

Build A Fortress

Every individual and institution experiences attacks at one point or the other. This may make some tear apart, while it will help some to be even stronger. Some attacks are internal; while some are external. But however it comes, the aim is always to destroy.

One institution that has suffered the most over the centuries is the family institution. It's amazing to see two people who are crazy about themselves, and think of each other the most of the day, only to find themselves 'incompatible'. And then they file for divorce due to 'irreconciliable differences'. Truth be told, these differences have always been there, but covered up by the thick shadows of love. When love is lifted, this shadow also disappears. The bible says: "Love covers all sins. (Prov 10:12).

Do all you can to make this love tower ever erect in your family. Pray with your spouse and children. Take them out. Be courteous in your communications; consider the pains and aspirations of others in your decisions. Don't do anything you've not agreed to do - be interdependent and not independent. Don't play boss over your spouse because you're at an advantage. Say I LOVE YOU often.

Build a fortress of love over your family.

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole

At SOAR AFRICA, we are committed to helping you maximize your potentials. Let's help you turn around your ideas and business to something more profitable and sustainable. Call now or send an email to

The Power of Three or More

The family is God's idea. He intentionally started the first one and expected the entire human race to find existence from them. But it all started with one, and then two (the seed bearer), then comes the, two, three...billion...still counting.

The Bible says that children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty man (Ps 127:4). This then means that the distance to which the arrow can cover is a function of the skill and strength of the mighty man. The mighty man serves as the launching platform for the arrow.

Think about that: a lot of us have had to start life from the scratch because we couldn't get a platform high enough to kickstart our dreams. Many don't even have any platform - they'd had to first create their platform before even thinking of launching out.

But this trend must stop with us.

We must work on our capacity to create a platform strong and high enough for our children to launch forth into the glorious destiny to which God has called them. We must give our very best in ensuring that their generation and those to come after live better lives than ours.

Arise, and conquer, and build, o mighty man of valor!

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole

Let the SOAR AFRICA Team help to birth your ideas, and to expand and stabilize your business. Call NOW or send an email to

Two Are Better than One

Life is not designed to be lived in isolation. I think this is one of the reasons we all come to this earth in the context of a family. Think about this: Is it not possible for the ALMIGHTY GOD to have created every human being that will ever live all at once? Why did he have to take us through one man and one woman - and now we are over 7 billion?

The first thing recorded in human history that is not good is "that the man should be alone." (Gen 2:18)

As powerful as the seed for procreation was in Adam, he needed to share it with someone who could create the right environment for the seed to be nurtured and birthed to reality.

Every great person out there had someone who gave them an opportunity to birth the seed of greatness in them. This could be by providing them with a job which provided the funds to finance their idea; by believing in them enough to buy their product or service; by sponsoring their education; by giving them a platform to experiment their idea; by giving them matter how foolproof your idea is, you will end up broke and frustrated if no one believes in it enough to give it a try.

In reality, no one is self-made. Our experiences - good or bad - help to shape the attitudes and attributes that we possess and express. We all need one another to become all that God has created us to be.

Today, you will meet and connect with the right people.

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter: @deleayobankole

Let my team and I help you birth your ideas to reality. For more information, please call now or send us an email to

The Power of One

Everything that exists begins with one. This could be a creature, a product or a movement. We now have over 7 billion humans on earth, but it all began with one - Adam. Think of the world's religions, ideologies, terrorist groups, innovations and inventions - these all began with just one person.

But when that 'one' person starts out, they are mostly alone - nobody seems to see nor believe in them. That period of 'aloneness' helps them to think through the dimensions of their ideology without much interferences. They could withdraw to the recluse of their human spirit and see clearly into the future they seek to create. Then stealthily and deliberately, they begin to move towards the direction of their goal.

Never become overwhelmed or discouraged when no one seems to be looking at your way. Keep crafting, designing and envisioning your future. Every leader - good or bad - started that way.

This week presents you with another opportunity to rethink, redesign and revisit your ideas. Don't despise yourself because you're now alone. I can assure you that it is only for a short while.

There is great power in you.

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole. Let my team and I help you to birth your idea to reality, or to expand or stabilize your business. Call now or send an email to we're sold out to your success.