Sunday, September 29, 2013

Build A Fortress

Every individual and institution experiences attacks at one point or the other. This may make some tear apart, while it will help some to be even stronger. Some attacks are internal; while some are external. But however it comes, the aim is always to destroy.

One institution that has suffered the most over the centuries is the family institution. It's amazing to see two people who are crazy about themselves, and think of each other the most of the day, only to find themselves 'incompatible'. And then they file for divorce due to 'irreconciliable differences'. Truth be told, these differences have always been there, but covered up by the thick shadows of love. When love is lifted, this shadow also disappears. The bible says: "Love covers all sins. (Prov 10:12).

Do all you can to make this love tower ever erect in your family. Pray with your spouse and children. Take them out. Be courteous in your communications; consider the pains and aspirations of others in your decisions. Don't do anything you've not agreed to do - be interdependent and not independent. Don't play boss over your spouse because you're at an advantage. Say I LOVE YOU often.

Build a fortress of love over your family.

I believe in you!

Follow me on twitter @deleayobankole

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