A leader is someone who recognizes a need, and visualizes,
mobilizes and organizes resources in order to actualize and realize that need.
No evocative, evolutionary and enduring contribution has ever been made without
the untiring and unflinching contribution of a leader. Devoid of this
attribute, man becomes reduced to an instinctual and irrational animal
clamoring only for survival at the expense of others. He utilizes every opportunity
to devour, diminish, and if need be, destroy others. The world is clamouring for a
new generation of leaders who are not only out for what they can get, but for
what they can give. Leaders whose purpose is service, whose passion is
transformation and whose point is freedom. They
are needed everywhere – from sports to transports; from education to
entertainment; from media to ministry; from public to private organizations.
But a leader-servant who can find?
A leader-servant is
one who leads with the attitude of a servant. He is one whose thoughts,
intentions, words and actions are in harmony with sound principles and moral
values. He is one who has a well-formed spirit, a matured soul, and a
disciplined taste. He is one who says what he means and means what he says.
Below are seven (7) indispensable and irreplaceable qualities of
Love is the genuine interest in the well-being of
another. It is expressed not just in affirmations but in actions. Love, or its
absence, is easily perceivable. Nobody cares how much you know until they know
how much you care. People will naturally gravitate towards a leader that cares.
This is the capacity of a leader to know what to do
per time. It is being sensitive to an Inner Guidance System (IGS) which all
humans have the capacity to develop and deploy. Intuition gives a leader a
sense of direction, keeps his passion alive, and gives him the motivation for
consistent action.
Leader-servants don’t only have character, they also
have competence. They have an understanding of the requirements of their
leadership and apply themselves to it. One truth is always certain: You can never give what you don’t have.
Leader-servants have a clearly defined purpose for all
they do. They don’t act just out of feeling or duty, but with a vivid goal in
view. They have a vision of what they want their followers to be, and all they
do is geared towards achieving this vision. You
must find out your purpose as a leader or you would live out the purposes of
Leader-servants are not afraid of being vulnerable;
they are secure. And this makes them to be plain with their followers. They
have nothing to hide; they fear no loss. They are down-to-earth with their
followers. They are practical; and the people they lead respect them for their
sincerity. NOTE: No matter how long you
fake it as a leader, you will be found out. It is better to confess your
weaknesses than to be found out.
Leader-servants don’t just coast through life; they
learn from every experience. They know that the best way to give encouragement
to the people you lead is through experience. Experience can be personal or
shared. Shared experience is such you pick up by reading and observing others.
Personal experience is such you acquire through your own faults and victories,
and through your commitment to being a better person. Shared experience may
accomplish your purpose, but personal experience will definitely be more effective.
With shared experience, you use more of your head; but with personal
experience, you use more of your heart.
A leader-servant walks his talk. He speaks out of
conviction, and it shows. His life-style and message-style are one and the
same. John C. Maxwell defines him as one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way.
Leadership is service. You must be committed to adding
values to people with your gifts, skills and privileges. You are recognized by
your leadership. You measure the effectiveness of your leadership by the people
you serve. Leadership brings recognition.
People have needs of varying degrees – from depression
to oppression, from stress to distress, poverty to affluence, desolation to
consolation, from mental to emotional, physical to spiritual and the need to
laugh and to love. The one who puts himself in position to meet these needs
becomes the leader. Leadership is the requirement for influence.
Every one living believes in the existence of God and
His creation. The purpose for which man was created is to provide leadership
for the earth – directing the resources therein in meeting personal and
collective needs.
Your leadership is a reflection of who you are. It
does not matter what you say and cover up with heartless actions, the real you is reflected in your dispositions.
It reflects your quest and queer. Character is who you are, and this is most
revealed when you are in a position to serve others.
There is no such thing in life as having something for
nothing. You must offer some form of service to others. The amount and attitude
with which the service is offered determines the rewards that are accrued to
you in return.
Heartfelt leadership starts from within; it is first
within then without. To lead from your heart, you must stay connected with your
source, whatever it is. Staying with your source exposes you to understanding
principles that sustain life, the value of humans and their need for help.
Knowing that you are also frail, it makes you humble, and fills you with such
hunger to make a difference.
The cheapest way to know what to live for is by
serving others. It exposes you to responsibility. Responsibility is the back door to opportunity.
When you discover your opportunity, seize it. And act
on it. No one ever gets an award for what they intend to do.
If you want to make a lasting impact, make copies of
yourself. Replicate yourself in others. When you lift others up, you remain up.
It is a new dawn in the school of leadership. The need
for leadership is in taking people to a desirable destination. We all have a
part to play in keeping watch over others. Therein lays true fulfillment. The
desire of God is to see a people spotless and stainless; a people being and
living out their fullest potentials. Leadership is your opportunity to partner
with God in creating a new world order. Will you partner with Him?
Ayo Bankole: An International Keynote Speaker, Creative Writer,
Leadership and Productivity Coach, and Corporate MC. He has spoken on several
platforms - from schools, churches, business organizations to gatherings of all
classes. He is the President of Barnabas International, and
Principal Coach, LEAP Academy .
He designs websites for leisure. He is based in Lagos , Nigeria .
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