Saturday, April 14, 2012

Differences between Activity and Productivity


It is commonly said that activity is not productivity. Nothing can be truer than that. Productivity is the deploring of the right resources for the right causes. A resource is anything that can be used to achieve a defined purpose. Resource in this sense could be gifts, talents, people, time and place. Productivity then is the activity involved in the realization of a correct, clear and concise product. Without the product in view, the entire process is frustrating, fatiguing and futile.

Below are a few distinctions between mere Activity and Productivity as can be seen in an individual or organization:

1.       There is no clear goal in view
There is a clear and concise goal in view.
2.       Work is frustrating and futile.
Work is fun and fulfilling.
3.       Always looking for the next opportunity to quit or change course.
Always willing to stick it out to the very end.
4.       Filled with painful murmurings and complaints.
Filled with pleasant memories and compliments.
5.       The driving force is to please someone, to prove a point or to avoid some circumstances.
The driving force is a sense of purpose; a sense of “I was born for this!”
6.       Half-hearted commitment
Dedication with passion and compassion.
7.       Creativity is half-explored or never explored.
Creativity is let loose.
8.       Keeps to customs and traditions with no drive for change – even when they are no longer working.
Given to reviewing processes and constant improvement – jettisons what no longer works, embraces what works.
9.       Has a critical, slanderous and judgmental attitude, and shows it very frequently.
So engrossed in work that he does not have time for others’ weaknesses and shortcomings.
10.   He criticizes and competes with colleagues
He celebrates and complements colleagues.
11.   Desires to be better than somebody else.
Desires to be better than his last performance.
12.   His attitude repels clients and they complain about him often.
His attitude attracts clients and they complement him often.
13.   Wastes company resources and opportunities.
Makes the most of every resources entrusted to his care.
14.   May seem busy but hardly meets targets.
Always exceeds targets and expectations.
15.   Golden Rule: If others don’t go, I can’t grow.
Golden Rule: My growth is tied to my performance, irrespective of who stays or not.

Is yours a productive workforce or workplace, or you are just activity-full? Review your performance indicators today and you’d be astounded at how far you are from realizing and maximizing the potentials of your organization.

Ayo Bankole: An International Keynote Speaker, Creative Writer, Leadership and Productivity Coach, and Corporate MC. He has spoken on several platforms - from schools, churches, business organizations to gatherings of all classes. He is the President of Barnabas International, and Principal Coach, SOAR Academy. He designs websites for leisure. He is based in Lagos, Nigeria.

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