Friday, November 1, 2013

Lateral Readiness

Lateral and Parallel Wings

Permit me to expound the Bible a bit this morning.

In First Samuel, there was a leadership gap being created by the priest Eli. He'd lost grip over his family and the entire Israel. God needed a replacement, but he must be born of the Spirit, not an ordinary child.

In Ramah, God was preparing a woman, Hannah, to develop the fervency of prayer needed to change the atmosphere. And the result of that was the mighty Samuel. Samuel grew and eventually became the priest of Israel in Mizpah.

Meanwhile, God was at that time (close to when Samuel became priest) preparing another shepherd-boy in a corner in Bethlehem. There was going to be a change in the kingly order. King Saul was also messing up.

The king needed the anointing of the priest to reign. But the king must be prepared to receive this anointing - this mantle. That was the main difference between Saul and David. David was prepared; Saul was not.

Look at the different sectors in our economy and you will see generational gaps, looking for someone to fill them. Our world is blessed with many priests, but it looks like the kings they are to anoint are not ready. The kings cannot be differentiated from other citizens - they dress alike, sing the same songs, hang out in the same places, have the same values, think alike, etc.

You need to separate yourself from the park and prepare yourself for your future. Seeking instant riches or fame will only end you in a ditch - ask DaGrin or Michael Jackson!

Be the one. Stand out. Be prepared.

I believe in you!

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